Sunday, August 14, 2011

On Friendships and Forgetting :'(

"People love us cause of the way that we are, and our enemies hate us for that very same reason."

"F.R.I.E.N.D.S.: (F)ight for you. (R)espect you. (I)nvolve you. (E)ncourage you. (N)eed you. (D)eserve you and (S)tand by you."

"喜欢一个人是很讲感觉的。就算是第一次见面,你也会觉得认识很久。你很希望经常看见她, 甚至希望她突然之间在自己面前出现。"

"Never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn’t given freely by the other person, it isn’t worth having…"

"Some things in life are seen only with the heart, not with the eyes."

"There is only one thing that can cure a dead or wounded heart. But it is a difficult medicine to get a hold of. It's because you can only receive it from another person, and it is "LOVE""

"Never get tired of doing little things for others. Sometimes, those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts."

"Anyone can make u happy by doing something special. But only someone special can make u happy without doing anything."

"Best Friends = Cheer you up when you're down; Comforts you when you're sad; Fight for you when you're hurt!"

"I don't care what you earn, where you live, what you drive, whether you're gay or straight, fat or thin, tall or short, beautiful or average, rich or poor, smart or not. If you're my friend, you're my friend. I accept you for who you are, and that's ALL that matters. If you feel the same.. steal this status from me, your friend, like I just did from another friend ....Keep it movin"

"For all my true friends ( you know who you are) I love and cherish you. Even if you become penniless tomorrow- my smile will always be as warm as sunshine for you and my friendship will forvever be true ♥"

"It's been said that everlasting friends go long periods of time without speaking and never question their friendship. These friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy… and… you will ALWAYS love them. Re-post if you have at least 1 of these friends. They will know who they are."

"Be very careful when you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came from a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head, to be superior of him. But from his side, to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved."

"My mind tells me to give up but my heart won't let me."

"‎"LOVE is NOT a Feeling, it is a Mentality and a Mindset". So what does saying 'I Love You' mean?"

"Realise that no matter what happened, you are deserving of a relationship, just like everyone else. Once you have healed the wounds of a past relationship and dealt with the emotions, you will be able to move on without the emotional baggage."

"As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have a lots of friends, and more important to have real ones. 當我們越長越大,我們就會發現,擁有幾個眞心朋友比結交一大堆的酒肉朋友來的重要許多。"

"~Love is an unknown place that no saying from all around the world can explain. 愛情是用全世界所有的名言都無法解釋的未知世界。"

"~Spend life with someone who makes you happy, not the one who you have to impress. 選擇跟那個能夠讓你快樂的人來共度余生,而不是去跟那個你必須努力取悦他的人在一起。"

"~It takes a life time to find someone, but only a moment to fall in love. 找對的人也許要花一生的時間,但愛上一個人卻往往在一瞬間。"


"~※ 當我們認定一個人是我 們生命中最重要,又或 者是非常重要的人的時 侯,一旦覺得或發現她 欺騙自己,我們的反應 就會很激烈,因為你很 在乎她,所以難以接受 她做錯事,即便祇是小 事,因為在你的眼裡她 是完美的。這就是所謂 的希望越大失望越大, 也因為這樣,很多人到最後演變成分手收場,連朋友都做不成,從熟悉變陌生,到最後變不相識。"


"彼此信任是良好人際關係的基礎。人際關係良好的人永遠不愁沒有朋友。喜歡和諧的人通常 知道該如何維繫。持久的成功建立在和諧的人 際關係之上。盡量充當和事佬,就沒有太多紛 爭。趁機渾水摸魚的人才會挑起人事紛爭。"

"瘦的女生不見得迷人,美丽的女生未必善解人意,穿得少的不一定性感。由内心深处散發而出的氣質…最動人!虛有其表的美麗, 終究會被人發現後敗絮其中, 而失去吸引力。男人若是為了女人的外表而瘋狂, 代表他隨時可能也會為另一個更美麗、身材火辣的女人而毅然離開。。。" ~ Jeff







"Why do we like people?

It seems uncanny how we clearly delineate between those we like and those we don’t like. What are our bases for making people our friends or enemies? In the same line of thinking, how do we know when a friendship is starting and when it is over?

I try to keep it simple. I categorize my friends into acquaintances and specials. The acquaintances always see my nice side, they never hear of my rants, but at the same time, they never feel my emotional outbursts and sudden floods of affection.

To the special ones, I show my true colors. I show how intense I can be when I feel strongly about something, and most of the time, the extremes of my personality.

See, there’s no middle ground to how I feel. Either I feel something 110%, or I’m completely oblivious to it. Those who see my passion see the real me, and I’m left vulnerable and in their mercy. They can hurt me, even make me feel warm at times, and more often than not, make me happy by just having a conversation. Those who don’t, see only the surface.

These acquaintances cannot hurt me, and cannot evoke the happiness I feel when im with my specials.

Admittedly, not everyone who I show my true colors to understand the implications. They get turned off, and just decide that they can’t handle my friendship. While this is a fact that i accept, a certain pain comes with the realization that someone I like doesn’t like me back.

I need not say that I have a hundred acquaintances and only a handful of friends. But I treasure that handful and keep them with me forever.

I become their champion, their ally, their confidante and most importantly, their refuge. I see time in its alpha and omega. I realize that in our single pass at life, we meet people who stand out to us over others. There are people that I never want to forget, and there are those that I have never really met, even if I was in contact with them for a long duration.

As in the occult, having something that belonged to another person keeps you in contact with that person even after he/she is gone. The paranormal theory is that you can affect that person from afar if you have something of his/hers in your possession. In terms of keeping friendships alive in my mind, I keep little stuffs that my specials give me, with the intention to never forget them. If they never gave me stuff, I ask them to. This is my personal way of protecting them from getting lost, so that I may always wish them well and remember the memories shared.

In cases of lost friendships, I grieve for a long time, yet never really show any sign.

There’s also this thing I do… a certain purging process that enables me to never remember. It brings physical pain to delete a cel number or giveaway a gift, but it must be done. Purging is emotionally tumultous, but I am comforted with the thought that the pain will soon be over… when the time comes that I don’t remember anything.

It’s like emptying the trash bin on your PC, or thinking of a vague dream that you had the night before. You know what you dreamed about and what you got rid of, but as the day wears on, it becomes less and less important.

To answer my original question: Why do we like people?

We like others because of how they make us feel about ourselves"

Source: On Friendships and Forgetting | The Evil Called Love


So Sweet:
"虽然我不知道罗密欧与朱丽叶那种能为对方跨过海洋的爱情是怎样的,但我知道你住在蔡厝港区,我住在卡通区,不管距离有多远,就算你在天堂我在地狱,只要你在另一边等着我,我都愿意每天为你跨过这段路来见你~ (Though I do not know how Romeo & Juliet’s love feel like, the kind of love that you’ll cross oceans for but I know you live in CCK & I live in Katong, no matter how far the distance is,even if you are in Heaven & I’m in Hell, as long as you are waiting for me on the other side, I will travel there everyday to find you~)"

"Boys never know "HOW" to say goodbye and Girls never know "WHEN" to say goodbye."

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