For the uninitiated, Joey Yap was in this town this weekend for his Design Your Destiny seminar...he held a book talk cum book signing session at leechie fav bookstore, Kinokuniya this evening =) Yoke Wah helped me to reserve a front row seat...but Joey was already halfway through his talk when i walked in...blur leechie forgot to charge the battery of my silly samsung camera n the battery died after i took only 1 pic! >.<"
Pretty interesting session by Joey today...he talked abt what each pillar of our bazi signifies...Yoke Wah asked a question abt her bazi chart...n Joey recommended ppl with her structure not to get married n juz keep a bf...he said tt the probability of divorce is 80%! i always thought tt relationships (having a bf) would be in the same category as marriage...apparently not, according to Yoke Wah n lp...they said bfs r juz bfs...u can still change ur mind...but marriage is a far bigger commitment...n there would be much more friction in a marriage when the husband n wife live together everyday o.O" n i was complaining n whining abt those buggy guys bugging a leechie! =.="
"Some BaZi charts are 'luckier' than others. No doubt about this. But to grow a business - one needs much more than just luck alone. The chart needs to show competence in running and growing a business successfully. Starting a business - sure, any idiot can do that. Growing one successfully is the real challenge.
Good charts have "unconscious competence" in growing a Business. These are traditional...ly - charts with noble structures and good stars.
However, GREAT charts are those that subsequently acquired Conscious Competence in growing their business successfully. This means - they are people who mastered the TOOLS and SKILLS needed to grow a business successfully. Not just merely depending on luck alone.
There are 24 of such configurations BaZi charts. Each configuration is activated when one reaches a stage in his/her Luck Pillar.
For instance - a Wealth Triangle formation. Where hidden wealth star in the month and hour branches. (None appearing on the Stem). This is the first configuration. Belongs to someone have unconscious competence when it comes to growing a business. The person may, or may not realise this potential yet. Depending on whether he/she will meet the Wealth star in the Luck Pillar (Stem) and complete the triangle. Where it is met, the person will discover or learn new Tools/Skills required to grow a business successfully. Where he/she does not meet the star in the LP, then it is the BaZi consultant's job to coach the person to consciously acquire those necessary skills and tools as per his/her structure" ~ Joey Yap
"Realise that no matter what happened, you are deserving of a relationship, just like everyone else. Once you have healed the wounds of a past relationship and dealt with the emotions, you will be able to move on without the emotional baggage."
Btw, met some fans today...i gotta say tt i was really touched when i learnt tt some fans would eagerly await each blog posting n read n re-read my blogs...to think tt i actually thought i was the only one who would read n re-read what i wrote! really appreciate ur support! this gives me more reason to continue blogging! ♥
Hazelnut ice-cream, lemon water as prepared by leechie n yummy cookies & cream mudpie ;p

Btw, this was the cappuccino mudpie tt i had on another occasion...think i prefer this flavour ;p
Went to do my second session of ATP light therapy session at Spa-ion today using the $200 voucher tt i won at the bloggers event...not sure if the lady there follows my leechie blog, but i was surprised tt she actually knows tt i usually have events to attend on weekends n asked how come i dont have any event today...lol...
Btw, the tv screen at the gym was showing an interview with Man United legend Eric Cantona...my personal trainer was v.surprised to learn tt leechie is a soccer fan...n he was really impressed with my footie knowledge...we support the same team...but i found it hard to catch my breath chatting with him abt soccer while sweating it out at the machines...lol... @.@" think i really have v.thin skin, i still ended up with wounds on my knuckles despite wearing gloves for the kick-boxing session! =.="
Btw, saw derogatory remarks about sg ladies...check out the following 2 links:
“HA HA HA HA HA HA HA you can see that they possess neither brains nor beauty… the Singapore women.”
“Those of you who had viewed the Miss Singapore Universe competition on television who have been amazed…. yes, amazed by the depressing standards of the contest. All the contestants look so……. ‘deformed’ and the eventual winner Jessica Tan looks like my autistic friend.”
~ Gay Chao Hui denigrating Singaporean women in front of Filipinos, 24 April 2007 (pinoy.sg forum)
Well, my response is...the pretty n smart ones do NOT need to join any beauty pageants! ;p
「欣賞你的人可以使你充滿自信,批評你的人可以使你愈挫愈勇,傷害你的人可以使你更加 堅強,疼惜你的人可以使你寵愛有加,依賴你的人可以讓你擁有能力,有依賴的對象可以讓你懂得感恩。」
"Dad: I want you to marry a girl of my choice.
Son: No!
Dad: The girl is Bill Gates' daughter.
Son: Then okay.
Dad goes to Bill Gates.
Dad: I want your daughter to marry my son.
Bill Gates: No!
Dad: My son is the CEO of World Bank.
Bill Gates: Then okay.
Dad goes to the President of the World Bank.
Dad: Appoint my son as CEO.
President: No!
Dad: He is the son-in-law of Bill Gates.
President: Then ok.
This is BUSINESS! This dad is cool~~"
Leechie latest look with wine hair color...the dye is still running with each wash o.O"
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