"據說,當上帝造了夏娃後,亞當問上帝:「主啊, 祢為什麼把夏娃造得這樣美麗動人?」上帝說:「為了使你愛她!」亞當思索片刻,又問道:「那祢為什麼又令她那樣愚蠢?」上帝說:「為了使她愛你!」
It is said that when God had created Eve, Adam asked God, "Oh Lord, why did you make Eve so beautiful and charming?" God said, "To make you love her!" Adam thought a moment, and then asked, "Then why did you make her so stupid?" God said, "To make her love you!""
Pride??? am i left with any pride at all??? i muz b the dumbest person in this damn world to waste time on someone who thinks tt i'm unworthy of his time!!! i wasted time trying to please a guy who doesnt even give a shit abt me n i had nvr featured in his plans at all! talking abt Plan B? doubt i can even find myself on Plan Z!!! :'(
"If a person's time is given out and not treasured, there is no sense in giving out more." ~ foo fangyaw
"In a friendship or relationship, time is shared, not given or taken." ~ foo fangyaw
"Its not worth winning if u dont have to fight for it... If u could give up so easily then its not so important to u after all!!!"
"Everytime U Scream at Ur Woman...There’s Another MAN wishing He could Whisper in her Ears. When U Humiliate, Offend and Insult Her, there’s another MAN Wanting to Remind Her How Wonderful and Beautiful SHE is. When u Hurt her, there’s Another MAN wishing He could Hug the Pain Away. And when U Make Her Cry, there’s another MAN wanting to Steal Smiles from HER. Treat Ur LADIES Right cuz There's SOMEONE out There who CAN&WILL!!!"
"当你发现他把你的爱当成是廉价物品时,你就该立即"放手"了。千万别为了一时的不甘心而继续伤害自己。在爱情的世界里没有谁对谁错只有谁珍惜谁不珍惜。再好的男人也不值得你爱到伤痕累累,更何况好的男人不会要你爱的如此凄凉。他没看到你的美,是他的损失别再烦了。这可是我的经验之谈哦!:)为自己和真心爱你的人,加油吧!Leechie Go!! (^.^)"
"always see u complain about the guy u like... sigh... wat a lucky guy..."
but he doesnt seem to appreciate a leechie...he doesnt even seem to give a shit abt a leechie :'(
"The best gift in life is being loved." but "how come there are some people who don't appreciate the love they receive and instead of giving it back they hurt the person??no care,no respect,no love at all!!!"
"There's no longer trust in your relationship
If you are having a hard time believing anything he says after the relationship has been torn by his lies, it's hard to regain the trust overnight. If there's even a need to check up on your partner every time to see if he's lying, he's just not worthy of your time."
"Destiny decides who you will meet in your life. But it's your heart that decides who stays there forever. ♥ "
"相爱的人不会因为一句分手而结束, 更不会因为一个错误而真的做到一次不忠百次不容。 相爱的人会在感情的曲折里一起成长。只要经过一个曲折熬了过去爱就又增长了点, 又一个曲折熬了过去大家学会珍惜对方一点。 一路下去爱越来越深,只会深深的相爱着, 懂得对方的好,不会再分开。"
一句「對不起」,曾經是多麼難以啟齒也好, 有一天,你知道如果你不說,你便會失去很多甜美的幸福。
當你做錯了事...當你傷害了他...當你固執得不可理喻之後... 為甚麼還要堅持不肯道歉呢? 你不道歉,他不會知道你心裡的歉意。 你有多少歉意,就有多少愛意。
你不說出來,他又怎會知道呢? 我願意說「對不起」,因為我在乎。
我願意說「對不起」,因為我不是小孩子了,我不能那麼無賴, 希望你把我當作小孩子,甚麼也不放在心上。 我願意說「對不起」,因為我認為你比我的面子更重要。
我願意說「對不起」,因為我認為說比不說勇敢。 我願意說「對不起」,因為我想看到你的微笑。
我願意說「對不起」,也代表我年紀大了,懂了。 其實....越是親人更需要說這句話吧^^...... 有時越在乎的人.....我們往往會越容易失去分寸 常常說~~我需要你~~我愛你....是很重要的!
你認為呢??? 讓懂你的人愛你 通常快樂的時候 想到的都是情人而悲傷的時候 想到的卻是朋友 與其說 當你悲傷的時候想到誰 那才是你所愛的人不如說 願意分擔你悲傷的人 才是愛你的人 ~
因為要分享快樂太容易了如果我把悲傷同時告訴兩個我愛的人而及時安慰我與我共度難關的人才是把我當作廝守終身的人 ~ 但是 男人的思緒往往是逆向而行的 ..
如果他不願把他的悲傷告訴那個人而那個人 才是他所愛的人因為他真的不忍看他最親的人為他憂心罷了 ~
所以女人多想告訴她所愛的人把你的悲傷和軟弱讓我知道我是多麼希望和你一起分擔啊........ 慎選一份值得堅持的感情愛 ~ 只要一點點衝動就可以可是了解 ~ 卻少些默契都不行 相愛不只是走進對方的生活更要能走入彼此的生命 ~ ~ ~ 喜歡,就是淡淡的愛,愛就是深深的喜歡 兩個人在一起不是為了相互取暖,而是因為愛!"
Interesting Quotes:
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"
"When people start telling you you've changed, it's because you've stopped living life their way....."
“You've got to say, ''I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it.'' It's called perseverance.” ~ Lee Iacocca
"LOVES this: Forgiveness is for your benefit. It gives u the freedom to move forward. Telling someone u forgive them is a bonus & it is not necessary for forgiveness to be complete. Forgiveness will release u from all personal suffering & feelings of loss. Forgiveness is a mental attitude. Once convinced of its own idea, forgiveness is complete; freedom follows."
When you really love someone, you'd do anything for him, even if it's what you least enjoy doing, you'd still do it without complaint."
Look...who's that? sleepy Patches!
Fren was lamenting tt other ppl have such obedient doggies that allow the owner to put into bags to take pics...she was saying tt her Patches would jump out the v.minute he's being placed into a bag >.<"
N nobody dared to carry Patches to take pics...which is y Patches is always alone in the pics here o.O"
I wanna a cutie Patches too...
Happened to pass by Laniege n saw this cutie Korean makeup artist at work ;p
Greetings from Finland. This, through a blog is a great get to know other countries and their people, nature and culture. Come take a look Teuvo images and blog to tell all your friends that your country flag will stand up to my collection of flag higher. Sincerely, Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland
hi Teuvo,
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