Was reading an article in our Silly Straits Times abt upward mobility in sg n some countries...there was this part abt how having low income parents might affect one's chances of moving up a rack or more financially or academically in society...well, i actually thought tt coming from a less privileged background would make a person more hungry for success!!! i'm sure u would have read abt the leads of many rags-to-riches stories citing this as one of the main reasons for their success!!!
No offence to anyone...but "hunger" is somthing which appears to be lacking in many youngsters these days...n anything they want, they juz need to open their mouths to ask n their parents would happily give it to them cos the parents didnt have those stuff themselves n want their kids to have it so tt the kids would not feel inferior to their peers!tt's what i have noticed abt the general parenting trends these days...but excuse me, r the parents going to be there for the rest of their kids' lives to give them every single thing tt they desire?what's gonna happen after the parents pass away?would these pampered kids be able to work for what they want based on their own merits? o.O btw, y shld i feel inferior cos others have some latest gadgets or stuff tt i dont have? i guess i'm one of those silly ppl who r contented to b an i-noob ;p well, having the latest gadgets doesnt make one cool if tt person is less than cool...if u get my drift ;p
"When I was a kid, I didn't have a laptop, iPod, Blackberry , PS3, Wifi or iPads. I played outside with friends, bruised my knees, made up stories and played hide and seek. I ate what my mom made. I would think twice before I said "no" to my parents. Life wasn't hard, it was good & I survived. Kids these days are spoiled. Re-post this if you appreciate the way you were raised."
Well, i always thought tt one's hunger n desire for success is one of the most important factors for success! i mean, if one is damn determined to achieve one's goals, n make these goals a "die-die must achieve" kinda thing...then wouldn't this be far more important than one's parents' level of income or education???n to say tt lowly educated parents dont place much importance on education would be nothing but a pathetic sweeping statement =.="
Btw, i have met some ppl who came from middle-class families n have a "i'm much better than u" thinking cos their parents could afford to pay for their overseas education in some prestigious universities...their attitudes seem to suggest tt they r v.happy n contented living in their comfort zones...doing what they deemed to be above-average jobs (but which can seem rather boring to some ppl if u were to look at their job scopes o.O") n they seem to look down on others from less privileged backgrounds, thinking tt they r part of the comfortable middle-class families in sg, with no strong desire to move up the social rack...well, to each his/her own...there is nothing wrong with wanting to be average n mediocre...it's a lifestyle choice ya ;p n since they came from prestigious universities, they look down on less educated ppl too n wont mix with others from diff backgrounds...btw, a lowly-educated hawker juz commented the other day tt he makes far more money than some highly educated ppl! well, i bet tt particular group of ppl tt i was referring to would still look down on mr. hawker...but he can always laugh at how silly they r while enjoying the perks tt his far higher income can give him ;p
Btw, how much exactly does one need to earn to qualify for the top tier n exactly how little does one need to make to qualify for the bottom tier???it's not exactly clear from this article...so pls enlighten a leechie if u know @.@"

Here's Mari's comments:
"good on you leechie - the fact remains- for a man to actually have the audacity to invite u out? and yet make you pay? UNLESS its u who asked him out and suggest that u treat......is he on your facebook? i will say one thing- SHAME ON YOU"
Btw, here's what Emily was saying earlier on in the week:
"I am feaking surprise that even earning money, a guy still go on Dutch with a gf. I always salute to my friends who can take this rubbish. Has the society become so bad that man forget it's basic as a gentleman? Ladies!!! Like this status if u agree man shouldn't go on dutch for every single thing. This is irritating lor!!!"
Guys, if u r reading this...here's a v.gd example of what NOT to do...of course we can afford to pay for meals n stuff...n there is nothing wrong for a lady to foot the bill at times...however, we ladies always appreciate chivalry n gentlemanly behavior...pls dont misunderstand me...i have never asked any guys to treat me anything...but as a form of chivalry, it will be gentlemanly if a man offers to pay...from there, the decision will lie with the lady if she pays or not...we humans always like to have choices ;p N again, my fb posting on this guy's less than gentlemanly behavior has triggered tons of responses n comments n some heated debate between the 2 genders while i was out the entire day...more than 140 comments n still counting...this hot debate has been running on for a couple of days now...think my fb wall has turned into a battlefield now...n my leechie mum was greatly amused when i told her abt it...chill guys n ladies...not all guys r cheapos...there r still v.nice gentlemen here in sg...btw, i still owe bro Justin a treat for the bag...
Another interesting observation at Kinokuniya today...the guy in front of me in the queue asked me to lend him my kinokuniya card so tt he can get discount off his purchases (i noticed tt he has a big basket of comics n stuff n i guess i was approached cos i was at the wrong place at the wrong time n i look like a nice schoolgirl who seems easily bullied) so i asked him what's the perk for lending him my card?he wanted to offer me a cigarette but i told him tt i dont smoke...n asked if he's going to share his discount with me since i had to pay for the membership fee...he said no n walked away...lol ;p
Interesting Quotes:
"Almost everything we want in life comes from the help of other people. If we can connect better with people, we will have higher chances for success.
There are three types of people we should strive to have in our close personal network.
1. People who have the answers and solutions you need. Or at least can help you connect to those w...ho do. (Meaning - find someone who can teach you what you need to know to be better or solve your problems.)
2. People who can do what you can't. People with special skills, skills you don't have. (It takes longer time to learn something you are not talented in. Better to seek help from those who are already good.)
3. People who already have the resources you need." ~ Joey Yap
"What if you are suddenly given a huge business opportunity and you knew for a fact that it's a chance of a lifetime and you want to pursue it?? ..... but you can't do it alone and you need to pull a group of people to help you.
Would you ...put an ad on the paper advertising for a business partner? enlist the aid of people who give yo...u the most trouble? Would you work with someone whom you don't like?
Most likely not. You'd probably be looking amongst your close pool of friends. If you all of you share the same level of competence and skills, you'd most likely go for the one that you LIKE most to partner with.
Given a choice, people always work with people they LIKE.
So my recommendation to a client today was - always try your best to be LIKABLE. Do your best to connect better with people. " ~ Joey Yap
"You have become the meaning of my life."
"The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, & nothing is guaranteed" ~ Eminem
"Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." ~ Mark Twain
"Happiness is the resultant of the relative strengths of positive and negative feelings rather than an absolute amount of one or the other." ~ Norman Bradburn
“My will shall shape the future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no one’s doing but my own. I am the force. I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice. My responsibility. Win or lose; only I hold the key to my destiny.” ~ Elaine Maxwell, Author
"I've learned that people will forget what u said, people will forget what u did, but people will never forget how u made them feel...." ~ Maya Angelou
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