Thanks Edison for the invites to this event...n i was pleasantly surprised when the marketing staff from Hennessy called to tell me tt i've won the second prize for this Hennessy Artistry party! the second prize include invites to this party n 1 year of membership to St James Powerstation =) so went down to check out this event with a few bros n lp...Marcus was quite surprised to learn tt i won the prize through a facebook contest cos he was rather sceptical tt anyone could win anything on fb prior to this...Brian was surprised to learn tt leechie is a blogger o.O" n the guys were joking tt brian had gone to ask for phone nos each time he ;p learnt tt this was a once-in-a-year ya B-)
Leechie posing with the Hennessy bottle =)
We were rather amused with the giant chillers tt they placed outside Powerhouse...well, one juz need to order hennessy together with one's choice of mixer (either orange juice, cranberry or gingerale) n the models would pour ur drink into this chiller from the top while one could place the shotglass at the bottom to collect the chilled drink...thought tt it was rather weird tt brian actually asked me which drink was more kinky o.O" well, saw many guys ogling at the models o.O
Leechie against the backdrop of model pouring drink into the giant chiller o.O
Model pouring drink into the giant chiller...Marcus was saying tt he wanna b a model if he were ;p
The giant chiller outside Powerhouse...apologies for the blur pic...blame my silly Samsung camera
Was cool to hang out with my bros...n marcus actually rem tt the v.last time tt he came to st james was abt 2yrs ago when he bumped into a leechie at time really flies manz @.@" i seldom pop by st james...think the v.last time tt i actually stepped into Powerhouse was 1 or 2 yrs ago? but i rem tt i was being checked for my ID card at the door here a couple yrs back...btw, marcus alerted me to the bday promo for members, we were discussing abt the possibility of celebrating our bday together here later this year to enjoy the perks of the complimentary membership tt i won...let's see...o.O
Marcus was saying tt leechie seems to be "here, there n everywhere" n involved in so many stuff! esp with my hectic schedule n all the rushing around...i'm juz tired...really tired...think many ppl would be dead by now if they were in my shoes!!! ya, i admit tt i'm damn scared of loneliness n i wanna be meaningfully occupied...perhaps at the expense of sufficient rest n sleep >.<" sometimes i get so tired of stuff tt i wonder if i shld juz settle for second best maybe? cos sometimes there would be this fear in me...a deep worry if there would be ppl looking after a leechie in old age??? >.<" i was asking marcus if he would feel sad for me if i were to juz settle for second best maybe? he asked if i could live with tt decision for the rest of my life...n perhaps tt might be the reason y divorce rate is so high these days?! he was saying tt if i cant live with it...then i should juz continue looking...but i'm tired...really tired of alot of stuff n crap...i don't even know how to be happy...he was giving me advice n his guy's take on stuff...abt how i'm being taken for granted by unappreciative ppl...but his parting shot was...never take advice from a guy who's alrdy 80% drunk! lol ;p but i still appreciate his sharing... i'm being reminded of this quote from Jason: "一个人一生中最大的幸福在于做对两件事:一是找对单位、找对上司;二是找对妻子或丈夫。"
We then proceeded to the nearby Beer Garden at St James for supper...this was the first time tt i ate there...we had yummy fried oyster omelette, hokkien mee n ba chor mee with the live band singing some chinese seemed like a 7th month gei-tai concept thingy so i was thankful for the fine weather...but brian described it as an overpriced food ;p but the prob was tt all these yummy food seemed abit too oily for my tummy. i have a weak stomach these days n cant take too muchie oily or sweet stuff >.<" i have been having probs with oily n sweet food lately n cant seem to digest them =.=" my doc fren suspected tt it could be food reflux n asked me to go see doc...but i still havent found time to go down to the doc yet...frenz were asking me why didnt i go see tt doc fren then...the reason is rather simple...he's not a gp who attends to minor ;p
"Yes, im a girl and most of my friends are guys. No, that doesnt make me a slut."
N enough of all the silly stereotyping!!!
Ok, some advantages of having guy buddies:
1. they wont b jealous tt u look prettier than them ;p
2. most of them (the straight ones) wont b jealous tt other guys r paying more attention to u ;p
3. they'll take care of u juz like how they take care of their little sis =)
4. they put up with ur whining n crapz ;p
5. they give u their guys' take on stuff
6. they can hang out n drink n watch soccer with u, without judging u =)
7. they'll chat with u abt the mkts, soccer n most stuff under the sun
8. they'll still chat with u, even when they r married or in a relationship =)
Thx Hennessy and their marketing team once again for this lovely evening out with the guys =) saw a few familiar faces there too...but apologies tt i cant quite rem names...oops @.@"
Check out the red Hennessy wristband...
Look at this...blur leechie actually used the chopsticks upside down manz =.=" but Ken insisted tt he handed the chopsticks to me in the correct orientation...n i didnt even bother to check...perhaps i was too hungry? >.<"
Appreciate all my leechie frenz out there...this quote is dedicated to each n everyone of u!
"A friend is never a coincidence in your life, they are strangers meant to come into your life to bring you priceless lessons and funny memories :)"
"Friendship is the only cement that will hold the world together."
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