Saw this interesting article...
"WoRtH ReAdInG At LeAsT OnCe
1. If two people are meant for each other, it doesn't mean they have to be together right now... but they will eventually...
2. God's way is not the easy way, but the best way. Keep praying, and he will show you what he wants you to do!
3. In life you'll be left out, talked about, lied to, & used... it's up to you to decide who is worth your tears and who isn't...
4. We just have to accept the fact that some people are going to stay in our hearts...even if they don’t stay in our lives...
5. When a guy can handle your flaws, love you on your moody days and say you're beautiful in sweatpants, he's worth loving...
6. When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change our feelings because it's the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares...
7. REMEMBER this: “NO ONE CAN TAKE Someone from YOU”, UNLESS he or she is willing to leave!
8. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you!
9. Its impossible to find someone who won't hurt u, so go for the person who is worth the pain...
10. IF you want to see HOW rich are you then don't count your money, just drop a tear from your eyes and see HOW MANY HANDS COME to hold it!
11. Sometimes u will break down & sometimes u will cry but just remember that it's not a sign of weakness, it's a sign that you've been strong for too long..."
Audrey's advice: "u deserve someone better! looks will fade too, unless he is so bad-looking that u r worried abt the genes...lol" btw, there have been sooooooo many cases of infidelity amongst super high profile celebities these days...so it's not surprising tt many "tai-tais" r soooooooooo worried tt their hubbies might be snared away by some sweet young thing...lol ;p
"You know how much you are worth in the eyes of someone by how much attention that was given to you. If the person's excuse is that he is always busy but has time for others and not you.. what does it show?"
"I wonder if you think of me when you're busy? Cause I'm always busy thinking of you."
Maybe he's juz not that into u, babe...save yourself from further heartache >.<"
"如果你愛一个人,你會了解她的一切,而不需要問她;如果你不愛一个人,即使她告訴你她的一切,你也還是會忘记的。" haiz >.<"
Some guys juz love to love many women...perhaps these many women can help to mask any insecurity issues tt they may hav? =.=" "All I want is to find a nice person to hang out with until I drop dead. Not a lot to ask." i'm not asking a lot ya...i'm juz a simple gal who wanna b loved by a simple guy...tt's all...simple right? but y is it tt such a simple thing can b so hard eh? haiz >.<"
No offence, but it kinda annoys me how som ppl who think tt they know best when they dont even understand my situation n try to offer their "well-meaning" n "i told u so" advice!!! >.<"
"Nice people tend not to be good-looking, good-looking people tend not to be nice, good-looking nice people tend to be already married, & good-looking nice unmarried people tend to be controversial." ~ Robin
"Avoiding is the worst treatment to the person who cares for u."
"The findings back up the evolution theory that says men look for attractive women while women look for successful men."
"But what's the use of having a spouse who's a high flyer at work but doesn't communicate with you and instead, cares only about himself or his work?"
"The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have." ~ Jeff
"What lies before us, what lies behind us, is nothing compared to what lies within us." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
"For people to act, you must first make them care enough... emotionally." ~ Eric
"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."
"Happiness is a choice. And it's free. Play on." ~ Roy H. Williams
"Love one another, just like how you've loved your family.. Sometimes, words of concern and care will go a million miles when you have the chance to do so.. When people who are going through a tough time, it's where you show your love and care.. =)"
"Be loving to those who love you. Be loving to those who do not love you; they may change. Above all, be yourself."
"If none of us is perfect, how can there be a perfect relationship? Should we then be happy with a "good enough" relationship?"
"It would be a much simpler world if we all look for "good enough" a partner, not a perfect one."
"Instead of looking for the "right" person, why not be the "right" person?"
"人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败的时候,总有几只猪在笑" ~ (ANGRY BIRD)
"人生就像angry bird~當你失敗時總有幾隻豬在笑。。。。"
"A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears."
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly."
"A real man doesn't love a million girls, He loves one girl in a million ways..."
Sometimes silence is the only response when u r being taken for granted n treated like plague...when u r hurt beyond hurt! :'(
"漂亮的不下廚,下廚的不溫柔; 溫柔的沒主見,有主見的沒女人味; 有女人味的會亂花錢,不會亂花錢的不會打扮; 會打扮的不放心,放心的肯定不能看。"
Distance is just a space in between. It's only as far apart as our hearts will let it. "
"~多數の「 錯與失」,是因為「不珍惜,不努力,不堅持,不挽留」。不經「風雨」怎能見の到「彩虹」,人生短暫,好好の 去「珍惜它,善待它,把握它,拥有它」。《珍惜你身邊の 每一個人吧》!"
"I always remember one very important fact-I remember, how Hard I chase a girl when I want her and I remind myself to fight just as hard to keep her...Because for every time you have a fight, there's a guy willing to listen, for every time you stand her up, there's a guy that's willing to wait on her for hours, for every time you demean and belittle her there's a guy out there that can appreciate her beauty and brillance and tell her about it. In love, there is no winning.. there is only who's ahead for now"
Btw, i'm pretty good with doggies...my frenz' doggies love leechie...maybe cos i give them free massages? lol ;p Audrey was surprised tt her doggie is chummy with a leechie n joked tt perhaps dogs like me n humans dont? lol ;p took plenty pics of Patches yest...check out the following pics of Patches ;p now i'm starting to consider getting a cutie pet doggie for myself...was telling my fren tt...at the v.least, ur pet doggie will be cuter n wont flirt with other gals n will be 100% loyal to u only...but the sad thing is i cant afford the time luxury of looking after such a pet...maybe he'll run off with some bitch due to my negligence? lol...pardon my pun ;p she was like...her doggie is loyal only to food! lol ;p
Cutie Patches ♥
Patches sleeping with his "Mini Patches" (a toy doggie which really looks like him) ;p
Patches fav pose...waiting by the door o.O
♥ at first sight!!!
As shared by Joey Yap "Gentle reminder: When you don't give up ...you cannot fail. :-) "
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