Saw this funny following piece from Dave...lol ;p
Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.
Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly.
Better to be pissed off than pissed on.
Lady who goes camping must beware of evil intent.
Squirrel who runs up women’s leg will not find nuts.
Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.
Man who runs in front of car gets tired, man who runs behind car gets exhausted.
Man who eats many prunes get good run for money.
War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left.
Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.
It takes many nails to build a crib, but one screw to fill it.
Man who drives like hell is bound to get there.
Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.
Man who fish in other man' s well often catch crabs."
Wanna share a beautiful quote from Jeff:
"Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship."
Here's a damn good quote:
"If you ever think you are alone in this world, & noone remembers you, check your mailbox every month. Bills will never forget you!"
Interesting Quotes:
"If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you."
"People are showing their true color and some of these colors aren't the prettiest or the brightest in the rainbow."
"Whenever you feel uncomfortable, instead of retreating back into your old comfort zone, pat yourself on the back and say, “I must be growing,” and continue moving forward." ~ Harv
"Someone said ' Think out of the Box '
Eh , I said ' am always out of the box, never in the box ' haha" ~ Elim Chew
Angry birds!!! lol ;p
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