Braved the heavy downpour this morning to attend Joey's "The Look of Love" workshop! although i was pretty near the workshop venue, i was drenched by the time i reached >.<" thx my fren for reserving a front row seat for a leechie =) well, leechie tends to be late n i usually sit at the back for seminars...so it was quite refreshing to be seated at the front row with Joey standing/sitting so near us manz...but i felt abit shy n awkward to take pics of him from such a close distance >.<"
Quite an interesting session today where Joey covered the basics of face reading...with particular focus on love n relationships...i like his cool sense of humor...esp the part when he was trying to convey to us tt many ppl think tt they can derive happiness from within n keep convincing themselves tt they can be happy alone...when the honest truth is they dont n they need someone to make them happy! i like his comical facial expression then...lol ;p he covered on reading of the forehead, eyes n nose...what to look out for...
Basically, there r 4 main things tt we can focus on to improve our lives: Character, Thinking, Skillset & Strategy (Plan). Learnt tt our face is an indication of our personality n character...n doing plastic surgery aint likely to change our behavior...it wont make any existing prob go away (apologies to plastic surgeon n aesthetic doc frenz for saying this) n one has to change one's character in order to change the outcome...so one has to change internally...our character determine our destiny! n Joey talked abt how our success in life boils down to our ability to connect! Commit to a plan n change for the better!
Picked up tips on how to tell if a person is lying juz by looking at his eyes o.O learnt how to see if a person is trustworthy by observing his nose...Joey also talked abt the difference between love n dependency...
Caught Joey during the break...n was pleased tt he immediately turned his attention to a leechie n answered my questions...well, i was curious abt my nose type...he said leechie has a cherry nose...lol ;p hmmm, shld i add some cherry pics to the lychee pics tt u see here? ;p
Anyway, i was telling Joey abt how a fren wasnt convinced by the bazi profiling thingy tt i did for him n asked him abt the accuracy of it...he said the accuracy is only 70% if u input the birthdate without the timing...but increased to >90% if u key in the time of birth o.O was telling Joey tt there seems to be a common belief tt one's destiny n fate cant b changed...but he said tt one's destiny n fate can be changed...n those ppl said tt destiny cant b changed cos they dunno how to change it! well, at least tt sounds way better to me...cos i dont wanna resign to fate n destiny...i believe in creating my own destiny in life!!!
Well, we had a most interesting Q&A session after the break ;p someone asked if we can spot a person who's a married-men magnet! well, Joey said somthg which really triggered alot of thinking...he said tt our lives muz have meaning n happiness...n being someone else's mistress aint necessarily a bad thing as long as one is happy...n there r many unhappy married ppl around...well, i was brought up to believe tt it's not morally right to intrude into others' marriage...n i wouldn't want others to intrude into mine in future! i guess i'm more traditional in this sense...i believe tt marriage between a man n a woman shld be sacred n "till death do us part"...or am i turning into a dinosaur? o.O" then i started to think abt what J said to me last yr when i was confiding in him abt how the guy tt i was dating was lying to me n tt he alrdy had a steady gf...
"people are in general selfish. that should include you and me. so make yourself happy. if you are happy being with someone nothing else matters. if you're not, it's time to move on. i guess it's harder to move on if you have nothing to move on to.. but given your active social life i doubt that is the case. the world is your oyster as they say. by the way i personally think monogamy outside marriage is a lifestyle choice. i wish fewer girls would require it. but lying is a character flaw, no man or woman should have to succumb to it." ~ J
Then i asked Joey how to spot womanizers n how to tell if a guy would be faithful! picked up some face-reading pointers...guys, if u wanna know more abt this...u can send me ur pics ;p n Joey reminded me tt i was asking mostly questions abt the process when the outcome is far more impt! what's ur strategy to make the relationship good n long-lasting? he mentioned abt the importance of commitment...particularly more common in those elderly couples...he raised a rather controversial question: what would u do if u discover tt ur partner is having an affair? one muz have strategy n think of the consequences before one take any action in this case!
After the workshop, leechie still had plenty of questions but Joey was v.obliging in answering my questions...cool ya =) well, i gotta say tt leechie braving the heavy rain to attend this workshop is definitely worth it! clarified some doubts n received some v.practical advice! he signed the 2 small books tt i brought along...lazy leechie was too lazy to bring his thicker books ;p he asked me to attend his face-reading workshop in KL...but leechie is flying off to HK around that period...
Btw, Joey seems to be always in blue or grey for the past few times i had seen him in person o.O n since i was seated in the front row...i couldn't help but notice his shiny Ferragamo shoes n nice Frank Muller watch ;p guess what? i only discovered tt my white n rose gold earring is missing when i reached home! :'( it was flown in from Italy n was the v.last pair avail in sg! :'(
Pic as edited by my fren...quite cool ya? ;p
"How much do we really know about ourselves? We judge ourselves by what we think or feel we are 'capable' of achieving. But others judge us by what we have 'already' done." ~ Joey Yap
"Dun need to compare your life to others'. You have no idea what they've been thru or what their journey is all about. We are all in this world for something greater than ourself. " ~ Joey Yap
"People with great charisma tend to connect with us easily, make us feel good about ourselves and uplift us every time we interact with them. Our meeting with these charismatic individuals tend to create a positive experience that makes us wanna spend more time with them. Is there a way we can increase our Personal Charisma?" ~ Joey Yap
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