Saw this interesting article...(http://www.divine.ca/en/love/articles/c_18_i_3043/8-signs-hes-not-interested-1.html)
"There are many things in life that will catch your eye. But only a few will catch your heart" ~ Ben Crenshaw
"A real man doesn't play games with a woman's heart. He communicates with and cherishes his woman."
"On the Bachelorette you had an insecure girl, falling for a guy, named Bentley, whom she had been warned about and displayed all the actions of
a mastered player. At the end of the day, a guy who is really into a girl will let her know. He won’t play games. He won’t put her on hold with the Someday crap and he won’t go ghost. Ladies, we need to start demanding the best out of guys. People will treat you how you let them. Recognize your worth, and don’t settle for less!"
"Scars remind us of where we've been...they don't have to dictate where we're going."
"People who truly love you will never make you feel bad about yourself."
"When you love someone, learn to love them fully, not only the good things but also the bad ones."
"There's no relationship without arguments and trust issues. But as long as you're trying, it will work out."
"Real Friends are those who care without hesitation, who remember without limitation and forgives without explanation."
Such a sweet quote from mike:
"在爱情里,找一个可以了解你内心世界和揭示你一生方向的人,而不是找一个只能陪你熬过一夜的人。彼此要更多的鼓励和启发,而不是每天都是另一个谈判。忠于爱护彼此直到最后,而不是每天都想找个借口。(In a r/s, find someone in your life that can understand your heart & shed some light but not someone just to get you through the night~ In everything, show one another more encouragement & inspiration & not always finding another argument or negotiation~Be true to one another till the end & show your love with no pretense~)"
"Have you ever lived my life, or spent one minute in my shoes? If you haven't, then tell me why you judge me like you do?"
i'm juz a simple gal who longs for some care n concern...apparently, simple things aint always easy...haiz...y is it so difficult to find someone who will love me for the person tt i am? >.<"
Thought tt it's rather sad to see a search on my leechie blog for somthing abt how someone thinks tt her bf is juz hanging on to her until someone better comes along...is tt how most guys r these days? u will never be "the one"...juz someone to fill the gap until someone better comes along? kinda sad ya? >.<"
"再坚强的人~~ 也会有软弱的一面。。。"
"Be loving to those who love you. Be loving to those who do not love you; they may change. Above all, be yourself." i know i'm juz a silly leech...but at the v.least, i'm being true to myself...i'm leechie >.<"
"如果你愛一个人,你會了解她的一切,而不需要問她;如果你不愛一个人,即使她告訴你她的一切,你也還是會忘记的。" haiz >.<"
Saw these sweet quotes...
"I always remember one very important fact-I remember, how Hard I chase a girl when I want her and I remind myself to fight just as hard to keep her...Because for every time you have a fight, there's a guy willing to listen, for every time you stand her up, there's a guy that's willing to wait on her for hours, for every time you demean and belittle her there's a guy out there that can appreciate her beauty and brillance and tell her about it. In love, there is no winning.. there is only who's ahead for now"
"the more kids remain kids the better the world would be... and, I'm not sure if you know this but you make every mistake I ever made in my life right because it gave me the chance to know you... and I think you're the best thing that ever happened to me"
V.interesting comments from Manferd in response to my question on "do pretty gals make a guy feel insecure? o.O"
"well... there are a few aspects to look at: 1. why guys feel insecure with pretty girls? 2. what did the pretty girls do to make the guys feel insecure?
personally, i feel there is inequality from the guys' side. words they might said is,"she so chio, can pick any handsome/rich guy one what, why talk to me? i have nothing to offer to her. " something in that line la
generally speaking, guys felt that pretty girls have ulterior motive to be with them. this can be heavily re-enforced by hearing stories like, how a girl go steady with a guy whose studies is very good and through him learn how to study well, after they graduate, she dumped him.
i'm not saying girls are materialistic. but when such examples happened, ppl shared these 'horror' stories more widely than a wife sticking thru thick and thin with her husband when he went bankrupt. (but then again, there are materialistic ladies out there, we cant deny that, can we?)
therefore, guys have an negative impression on beautiful girls because they 1. believe chio bu have ulterior motive to be with them or being close to them, 2. believe that they have nothing to attract chio bu.
but then again... these are beliefs, which are not necessary correct, but it means the everything to certain guys who hold these beliefs."
"The best kind of kisses are unexpected, unplanned ones. The ones that come naturally, like in the middle of sentence. 最好的一种吻,是出其不意的,没有预谋的,自发自然的,就像话刚说到一半。"
"Wife & Husband
Wife: I wish I were a newspaper so you can hold me every morning!!!
Husband: I wish you're a newspaper TOO, my dear, so I can have a NEW ONE every morning!!!"
"You can't make someone love you, all you can do is be someone who can be loved, the rest is up to the person to realise your worth."
"~當你「愛上一個人の 時候」,你同時也「賦予了他傷害你の 權力」,所以愛一個人更本不需要問「值不值得」,因為「拿起」是愛,「放下」也是愛。"
Guess what??? finally managed to get tix to hop onto KTM train for a short trip ;p i'm sick but i still wanna go!!!
"8 Signs He's Not Interested
By Myreille Simardpublished August 03, 2007
We all know the old adage, “love is blind”. But before falling head over heels in love, take a closer look at the object of your affection. Is the feeling—as strong as it is—completely mutual? Save yourself a lot of unnecessary pain and check out our list of warning signs that he’s just not that keen on you.
1. He never calls you first.
Sure he calls, but it’s always to return your call. Running after someone can become an obsession—a disappointing one. Is he playing hard to get or just not that into you? Here’s how to find out: don’t call him for a few days. If he calls you, great. If he doesn’t, move on.
2. He won’t plan ahead.
You invite him to a hot party next month, and he hesitates before giving you his answer. Maybe he’s waiting to see if something better comes up—a sign he’s not ecstatic about going. If his final answer is “yes”, then rejoice: all may not be lost. But if it’s “no”, and it’s his second refusal, cut back on the invitations and rethink the relationship.
3. He won’t come up for a nightcap.
You’re both coming back from a party, he’s driving you home, and you ask him if he’d like to come up for a drink. A classic move, with a classic response: “yes”. But if he surprises you by refusing your invitation because he has to get up early to take his cat out for a walk, start asking yourself some questions. If it happens more than once, it should be clear that you’re just not clicking.
4. He’s vague about getting together again.
At the end of your date, he suggests keeping in touch—and nothing more specific. It may not be the end of the world, but if he really wants to see you again, he’ll make the time. Maybe you’ve just started dating and he fears putting too much pressure on you; or it could be he’s not so sure he wants to see you again next week. You’ll have the answer soon enough if he doesn’t call in the days to come, or if he turns you down the next time you call to ask him out.
5. He doesn’t ask you questions.
How can someone be interested in you if they don’t want to know what your interests are—or even how you are, or how your day went? If he rarely ever asks you about your day or what you did last night, it’s probably because he just doesn’t care. It’s hurtful when the person you’re attracted to doesn’t show much interest in your life, but better to realize it as soon as possible and move on.
6. He doesn’t call when he says he will.
He says he’ll call at seven, but your phone only rings at nine—or even worse, the next day. When you do talk, he gives you lame excuses for calling so late. You may be telling yourself he’s probably too busy to call when he said he would, but why make excuses for him? If he’s interested in you, he’d be thinking of you, which usually leads to calling when he said he would. But try to keep an open mind, too; sometimes there’s a legitimate reason for not calling. Trust your instinct!
7. He hasn’t introduced you to his family.
It’s true that presenting someone you’ve started seeing to your family is a big step. It’s also true that some people need more time before they’re ready to bring you home for dinner—if ever. But if he’s already met your folks and you haven’t met his, he may not be ready to make your relationship official. If you feel he should introduce you to the other people in his life, then sit down and discuss your feelings with him.
8. His friends don’t know you exist.
Introducing you to his family is a big leap forward, and it usually comes after a long period of getting to know each other. However, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t introduce you to his buddies—nowhere near as formal and stressful as presenting you to his parents. If it’s going well, then he’s probably told them about you, or even included you in plans with them. If he’s trying to hide your relationship, ask him why. His response should make it clear what’s going on—or not."
"男生,不要以为样子比别人帅气一点,个子高一点,就可以为所欲为~女生,不要以为五官比别人端正一点,双峰突出一点,就可以随心所欲~ 无视无视无视!"
"A love relationship is like brewing soup. Each party contributes to the flavour and the source of fire to continuously brew their soup of love"
There's no relationship without arguments and trust issues. But as long as you're trying, it will work out.