Spent the day at Johor Premium Outlets...which seemed to b relatively quiet when we arrived...the familiar snaking queues at the various boutiques when JPO first opened was nowhere to b found! o.O anyway, i finally managed to get into Burberrys...bot a lovely wallet =)

Polo Ralph Lauren is now open...n we happened to b there on the first day of the further markdowns...scored a few good buys ;p Adidas is also having sale now...but lesser variety as compared to when it first opened...n there is totally no q at Levis now...i had to q for more than 1 hour juz to make payment on my first trip there >.<" n they ran outta bra sizes at la Senza...so we only bot panties this time round...
I gotta comment on the service of some of the boutique staff...as what everyone knows, customer service is virtually non-existent in sg...the staff at Polo Ralph Lauren were v.helpful in assisting me to search for what i wanted...well, juz in case u were wondering...i bot the polo tees from the kids department ;p one of the Adidas staff was equally helpful to assist my leechie mum find her right shoe size =) Ferragamo staff asked for my contact details so that they could update me on new shipments...pretty refreshing from some snobbish boutique staff in sg! o.O
Bought this pair of bright purple Adidas shoes for my leechie mum...her fav color is purple! lol...

Bought these 2 items at the recent Reebonz sale:
My new Prada bag. Does it look nice or aunty? O.o fb frenz commented that it looks nice...but my cynical leechie mum laughed at the floral prints =.=" i guess a louder personality is required to carry this loud bag...lol ;p

My Miss Marc bag which came with an obvious stain on the strap...the staff didnt look too pleased when i asked for the price to b marked down...one staff even commented that the original price tag wasnt too high to begin with...well, i was given the impression that they prefer to sell only exp bags o.O

btw, i learn a phrase from one of the fb guys which goes somthg like this..."if u buy stuff with money that u dont have...sooner or later, u'll have to sell stuff that u have!" oh perhaps i shld scrimp on food to save $$$ to buy a branded bag so that i will get to lose fat? lol ;p
Trying out Gellish for the v.first time...i dunno how to describe Gellish in chinese to Gina...who expressed great surprise when i told her my chinese is v.lousy >.<" anyway, i forgot to put on blusher before going out n she promptly asked how come i didnt put on makeup! =.=

Penang fried kway tiao from Malaysian Food Street at RWS. Look at how small the serving is o.O

Hi, just wondering how much does the burberry purse cost?
Apologies for the late reply, I just saw it. Think I bought it for around $200+ sgd? I still haven't use it yet, so will be posting it up for sale
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