The Facehunter, Yvan Rodic, himself!
Attended the private soft launch opening of "A Curious Teepee" at *Scape...pretty nice food n interesting cocktails there...it was really crowded with lotsa arty ppl o.O they have a v.interesting concept...whereby one can find all kinds of arty stuff there...all stuff whimsical...as well as a bar/cafe to chill =)
Leechie tried practically all the signature cocktails there...had abt 10 cocktails, including some exotic ones such as cucumber martini, strawberry martini, A Curious Teepee Concoction, expresso martini, sea salt magarita, elderflower cocktail o.O" leechie fav was the strawberry martini...sweet n nice =) took abit of the expresso martini from Harn's glass...found it abit too strong for my liking (it kept me up the entire nite -.-") but quite a number of ppl there told me tt they like it tt way...so i guess it's supposed to b strong o.O" the sea salt margarita was really interesting...the bar mgr told me tt the foam on the magarita will stay on n will not subside...true enough, the foam stayed there even after i finished my drink! but the drink was quite salty...think it tasted quite strongly of tequila o.O A Curious Teepee concoction is sweet with passion fruit...nice...but there seems to be too muchie crushed ice in it o.O" cucumber martini is quite refreshing n slightly bitter...think the elderflower cocktail had vodka n grapefruit juice in it o.O
Leechie likes the desserts served...had several servings of the apple thingy with vanilla ice-cream...although it tasted abit like creme brulee ;p they also served us the delicious duck meat in small waffle cones...which Harn likes alot =)

I also tried this red wine popsicle ice-cream bar...quite cool...my first time trying out an alcoholic ice-cream on a stick...lol ;p Harn chose the chocolate coconut one which she likes v.muchie o.O
Guess what? i actually met the media guy who sold me jimmy choo mirror at zouk flea mkt couple of years ago...lol...see tt leechie uses atas mirrors ya? ;p harn was giving me advice...telling me to date atas guys n not cheapo guys o.O btw, leechie is allergic to cheapo guys! -.-" btw, the lovely Tracy Phillips was at our table...she always looks so elegant n classy =) there were a few ppl from mediacorp there as well...

Btw, i was greeted by this pink parrot at the door when i arrived...n i couldnt resist not disturbing this parrot before i left...so i went to stroke the parrot...this caught it unaware...my leechie mum was asking if this parrot made any noise while i did tt...well, i guess it's a well-trained parrot with pretty good manners...it didnt make any noise at all...lol ;p

Check out the cool crowd at A Curious Teepee B-)
Well, A Curious Teepee is a cool place to hang out n chill with ur frenz =) well, i think i would need to fork out >$200 last nite for all the drinks n food if i were not invited to this event ;p Harn msg me the v.next morning tt we drank waaaay too muchie last nite...i actually thot i was doing okie...cos i even went shopping last nite after she left n my chat with mediacorp frenz...bot pretty dresses ;p leechie is in a holiday mood...it's the party time of the year ya ;p i ♥ my leechie life ;p but no more expresso martini for a leechie...not even a sip...waaay too strong for a leechie!!! x.X" it kept me up the entire nite even though i only tried abit! -.-"
"Have you taken time out to review 2010, what was great for you, what wasn’t, what you would change, what you would retain? Are you pleased with where you are at right now? What’s happening within you & what’s showing up in your life? Are you ready for more? Are you ready to take a quantum leap, to do & experience what...ever it takes in order to make real changes in certain or all areas of your life?" ~ Helen Lee
I'm really scared...honestly...harn said yest tt her new year resolution is to get married...n she has had the same new year resolution for the past 3 years...gosh o.O"
Learnt somthg new today:
"GPS- Go Places Slowly......."
lol ;p
Something to share with everyone here ---> Someone sent me extremely rude emails...let a barking madman barks all he wants...guess he's facing some personal crisis in his professional & personal life...let's exercise our greatest patience & sympathy...no wanna bring myself down to his level...he's juz a mere acquaintance, wont b surprised if nobody wanna befriend such a pathetic soul...since there r slashing cases here...it wont do our safety any harm to let ppl with questionable frame of mind win some silly arguments ya? ;p which is y i always say...letting others win silly arguments aint a sign of weakness...but it certainly tells u something abt these ppl...a person's behavior can tell u lotsa abt tt person's upbringing n class (or rather the lack of it) ;p
Can u believe it? leechie kenna bullied yet again today :'( there r juz some totally unreasonable ppl not in the right frame of mind who goes around picking on ppl n spreading untruthful rumors :'( he created a scene n then he continued nagging on n on n spreading untruthful rumors n badmouthing me at my fren's table until she got so pissed off n told him to shut up otherwise she's going to call for security! tt shut him up...but he went over to other tables n continued his nonsense!!! :'(
wanna thank the 2 kind souls who came to my side to try to help me...anyway, anyone with eyes could tell what kind of person he is judging by his action n behavior! :'( n this is not the first time tt he is doing this!!! -.-" my leechie mum was asking me y am i so affected when most of us already know his character n how he likes to spread untruthful rumors n badmouth me in front of ppl, esp when it's not the first time tt he's doing this!!! -.-" i believe there is such a thing called retribution...n with his character, i wouldn't be surprised if no lady in this world would fancy him even if all the men r dead!!! N if i ever see him spreading untruthful rumors abt me again, i will consider to seek legal advice!!! -.-"
Here r responses from my fb frenz --->
"in our life we cant choose ppl around us even at work, family or friends also have tis kind of ppl.juz keep in mind only useless people will talk bad abt us cause they r jealous abt us.so dont bother abt tis kind of useless ppl, they are not capable ...tat y only know how to use mouth. i treat tis kind of ppl as disabled person so never take in heart on wat they said yet pity them. …"
" I agree leechie, I have seen them got the retribution they deserve. But important not to react and stay cool or they will drive you nuts"
To quote our Foreign Minister, Mr. George Yeo ---> "If you want to hear everything said behind your back and then be offended by it, you will be an unhappy person."
Leechie is annoyed with how some ppl who keep trying to sell me all kinds of crapz n keep pushing their ideas into my leechie head...leechie aint a 3 yr old kid =.="
*leechie squeals in a most bimbotic tone "my leechie brain has limited space n it definitely doesnt have any space to absorb whatever crappy ideas tt u r trying to sell to me"! =.="
Juz saw somthg amusing ;p
"Abbreviation of ABCDEFG & GFEDCBA
What is ABCDEFG?
A Boy Can Do Everything For a Girl!
But what is GFEDCBA? (The Opposite)
Girl Forgets Everything Done and Catches new Boy Again!
Saw this on Mike's fb status...this is sooooooo sweet
"Love is when my gf accidentally delete all my important files,crashing my laptop,having to spend nxt few wks trying to get it all repaired,& at the same time crashing my car too,having to send it for repair&spending nxt few wks squeezing wif the public taking public transport & yet...w/o yelling at her but juz giving ...her a kiss on her forehead when she sincerely apologized&assuming her tt everything will be ok"
Peter's touching real life story...
i like the last line..."sharing life together, living on faith and love."
"i was relating to my wife the other day that how similar we are, to Carl & Ellie. we built a family together, saving for rainy days, my car also spoiled & knee was injured... taking out precious savings, and all that. the wedding ring i bought for her, is a little too small for her now, hence i wanted to buy a nice Tiffany ring for her, because I want her to know how much she means to me. next year, i actually wanted to have a month-long trip to Europe, because she never went there b4. i know she will love it. but heck we can't do that, because we are shifting house next year and we will be broke again... but isn't that part of growing together? sharing life together, living on faith and love."
"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love & affection." ~ Buddha
I totally emphasize with my fren's predicament...but still amused by his posting ->
"And the best part is... the Head of Admin laughed at me when I showed him the booklet with the counter staff's handwriting and told him that the counter staff even confirmed for me that the program does have honours before I enrolled for the course.
His reply was "You should have checked with the Dean..."
In my mind I was like "wtf? U mean even when Apple prints in their tech specs and the salesman confirms for me, I must still check with steve jobs whether ipad really got wireless lan before buying?""
"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them."
my leechie mum was saying yest tt if it's meant to b yours, it'll be yours...if it's not meant to be...then perhaps tt's ur fate...but y shld i resign to fate? =.=" i'm the scriptwriter of my life!!!
Some irritating guy juz called n asked a string of irritating questions...n i'm being reminded of what my broker said last sat...some ppl dont look at themselves in the mirror first before thinking of their expectations...he was questioning me this n tt abt my event participants n asking to meet ppl from certain professions n kept asking this n tt...but has it ever crossed his mind if those ppl wanna meet him? obviously not!!! -.-"
Attended the soft launch opening of "a curious teepee"...pretty nice food n interesting cocktails there...had abt 10cocktails o.O" met the media guy who sold me jimmy choo mirror at zouk flea mkt couple of years ago...lol...see tt leechie uses atas mirrors ya? ;p harn was giving me advice...telling me to date atas guys n not cheapo guys! =.=" btw, leechie is allergic to cheapo guys! -.-"