That's Kevin lao shi applying the aqua cooling powder onto my leechie hand...my leechie hand looks really smooth ya? ;p
Taiwanese celebrity Makeup Artist Kevin Lao Shi was in town recently to promote L'egere range of skincare n cosmetics...n leechie was there to catch Kevin lao shi in action...my leechie mum was really amused when i told her tt leechie was going to meet kevin lao shi...she was amused by the "lao shi" part n wondered what kinda "lao shi" he is o.O i was really late on fri...so by the time i reached marina sq, kevin lao shi was gone! =( was late again on sat for his session at plaza sing...but got to watch him from a short distance...pop ovr to see him at causeway point again on sun (ya, leechie was late again)...the session at causeway point was special, he came down to the products section to play consultant (they called it "dian zhang") for more than half an hour after his stage session...n he autographed books n took pics with us after tt ;p the second model really looked v.diff after kevin lao shi performed his magic on her! @.@" she was rather dull-looking before the makeover...but a really dramatic change with all the falsie eyelashes n eye makeup manz! @.@"
Saw KEVIN's poster pic prior to meeting him in person n thot tt he looks pic perfect *drools* no offence, i'm sorry but i gotta admit tt i was a little bit disappointed when i saw him in real person yest n today...he looks rather tanned (someone told me tt he juz returned from hawaii) n his laugh lines look obvious o.O" other than tt, he still looks good...he has v.beautiful n expressive eyes =) check out the pics above ;p i got a set of his books autographed (he wrote my "leechie" name n also signed "bigkiss" there...keke ;p) n took pics with him ;p (gotta thx the 2 lovely gals for helping me take the pics n sending them to a leechie =)) but i like what he wore at plaza sing yest...pink top with d'squared jeans...cool B-) this afternoon, he was in white shirt n blue vest with a couple of buttons undone...such tt those who were standing rather close (n tt included a leechie ;p) could actually see his chest hair peeking out from underneath his shirt o.O" the first impression tt he gave me was tt he's really stylish n really knows how to dress...well, this silly leechie only found out later tt kevin lao shi is a stylist *blush blush* hmmm, he was really warm at the consultation session today...no airs at all o.O n he's really v.popular with alot of obasans there! ;p he gave some really useful makeup tips =) n asked me not to use so muchie bling bling eyeshadows which tend to make my leechie eyes look more puffy n how to draw eyeliner more properly (i'm still trying to figure this out o.O)...actually, i couldnt really understand some of the terms tt he used (he spoke chinese n i couldnt understand many of the technical terms in chinese...i dont even know how to say gel eyeliner n liquid eyeliner in chinese -.-") btw, leechie bot alot of the l'egere products tt he was promoting...some bb cream powder n cool hydro powder (really cool to touch when he put some on my leechie hand o.O) n ice cool toner n moisturizer n vit B moisturizer n pore concealer...spent >$150 there :-X
I was told tt his books r really v.helpful but both of his books r in entirely chinese -.-" well, it doesnt matter tt a leechie cant read muchie chinese...i can always look at the pics in his books ya ;p (self-consolation -.-") hopefully i can figure out all the makeup steps juz from looking at the pics -.-" flipped thru his 2 books n looked at the pics...i gotta say tt i'm impressed...the ladies featured in the 2 books looked so different after kevin lao shi did makeover on them! @.@"
Btw, kevin lao shi said tt the ladies in japan touch up their makeup every hour! gosh...no wonder most of them always look so picture perfect o.O" learnt an useful tip from him on how to determine ur skin tone (warm or cool)...think abt how u look with the various colors...if u look better in black or blue clothings...then u have cool tone (think of a leechie ;p) n if u look better in orange or yellow clothes, then u have warm tone (no wonder i always cant carry off orange n i avoid orange color like plague -.-")
Found out tt kevin lao shi has his own beautymaker cosmetics line and vinvin skincare line (inspired from his name ke-vin i guess, so vinvin ;p) n i've placed order for alot of items from the beautymaker n vinvin lines...so shall review when the items reach me! ;p btw, i cant read too muchie chinese n have great difficulty navigating his products webby @.@" so had to get alot of help with the translation before i could figure out which r the items tt i wanna get! @.@"
Gosh...juz saw the makeup tt kevin lao shi did for the gal in this show...such dramatic transformation!!! really amazing manz!!! the right side of her face looks so different from her left side! @.@"
Wanna share something meaningful from kevin lao shi:
well said kevin lao-shi! really appreciate him sharing tips not only on makeup, but also other aspects of life as well =) i agree with him tt confidence is beauty...a couple of wks ago, i shared a you-tube clip showing a v.plump gal dancing v.confidently n sexily but some guy responded saying tt clip made him feel sick -.-"
ya, i also want someone to love me for the person tt i am...someone who will still love me 20 or 30 yrs later...someone who will grow old with me...no offence, but i feel tt many guys r v.practical these days...most of them only go for pretty gals o.O
Brought my parents for dinner at Spring Court for early Fathers' day...well, i didnt know abt this restaurant...but my leechie dad insisted on going there n he had the fathers' day set dinner which included "buddha over the wall" o.O the food's nice but servings were less than generous...so went back n had a joo chiat dumpling...keke ;p hapi dumpling fest in advance! =)
Update: leechie went down to loreal sales n stage moving out sale n luxasia sales today...spent abt $400 at the loreal sales...gosh...but there were so muchie keratase n redken n loreal professionel hair products there on sale! btw, for those not in the know, many tai tais swear by the brand keratase ;p the Redken product mgr was really nice =) n the keratase staff gave detailed explanation on their various products (so many different ranges of keratase products there tt it's really mind-boggling @.@") n useful advice...also learnt a trade-secret trick tt the salons use...keke ;p the keratase lady did product demo on my leechie hair too =) bot alot of nail polishes n blushers n eye pencils (was told tt it's their star product o.O) n other base makeup stuff from the stage moving out sale at ion (abt $120)...but was less than impressed with the pushy n bossy SA...esp with the way tt she spoke to a poor gal who had her makeover appointment cancelled at the v.last min n she was due to make a presentation this aftn...if i were tt gal, i would write in to the head office n give them a piece of my mind! sometimes some ppl may juz mistake ur nice-ness for weakness n try to bully u! -.-" n this SA asked me to screw this n tt cap tight tight n instructed me this n tt...until i told her point blank tt i'm NOT the SA there -.-" got some stuff from the luxasia sales too...a nice SA took out some rare Guerlain item for me cos there wasnt any tester n it was the last piece ;p btw, i saw tt less-than-hyigenic luxasia male staff who previously handled my Guerlain powder foundation with his bare hands there as well...crapz -.-"
Received 3 kate spade bags today (1 is meant for my leechie mum) but i ordered another 3 more kate spade bags today...gosh...think my shopping habit is really scarry @.@" really thx geraldine for coming ovr to personally deliver my loots =) i really like my navy renwick street annabel bag (i also have a matching pouch in the same design n color ;p)...feel tt it's juz so casual n light n so me ;p carried this bag for the first time n such coincidence tt i saw a nurse carrying the exact same bag as me this morning o.O" i bot another renwick street anabel in noel prints with pink n green stripes n a bon shopper with big pink ribbon...also bot a bling bling small bag n ordered another big bling bling gold bag with the same prints as well together with another small black bag...gosh, i started with zero Kate Spade bags 1 month back...n now i have 6 n another 2 more to be collected...n i've been elevated to VIP status by Gigi...lol ;p btw, i bot another 2 more miss marc bags recently...i like miss marc...she's so cute n random...abit like leechie...keke ;p
Btw, "You can't teach Style. You either have it or you don't." n for certain ppl who r simply lacking in the style department, i'm sorry but carrying a lv bag wont help to boomz up their style quotient even the tiniest bit -.-" saw this line "I love hot guys but I love shoes even more" well, a leechie says -> I love hot guys but I love pretty bags n shoes n cosmetics even more...lol ;p btw, leechie bot more stuff from the kose private sales recently...the cosme decorte AQ eyeshadow palettes (was told tt this range is the super high end range @.@") were going at really attractive prices as compared to the usual retail price n i bot 3 palettes at one go o.O" n guess what? leechie managed to get hold of the MAC limited edition powder "Marine Life" (yes, it's tt ultra pretty powder which comes with a pretty seahorse design) which was sold out here in singapore within hours of launching!!! keke ;p
After a week of late nite soccer matches n sleeping only 2hrs a day...leechie fell sick...haiz -.-" had weird dreamz recently...perhaps i'm juz feeling lonely? dreamt abt dating a bizman who's in antique trading...n dreamt tt i hav a filippino engineer as tenant o.O" but leechie no hav any tenants n dunno any bizman doing antique trading in real life @.@" started to regret sharing this on fb abit when frenz chopped in with their versions of som antique jokes ---> "prob the biz man is going to trade Tono when she becomes an antique? wise plan!!" "Bizman of antique or antique bizman? Hehe... I know one bizman of antique who is antique himself keke.." well, at the v.least, i can console myself tt i hav frenz with sense of humor o.O"
Guess what? the deliveryman came this aftn to deliver the Marc Jacobs mirror n pen set tt leechie won in Haute Avenue's contest =) really cute...the plastic lipstick turned out to be a pen! ;p thx Haute Avenue for their generosity =)
Rec a request for pic of the Elizabeth Arden set tt leechie bot at its private sales over the weekend =) i got this entire set for only $50! ;p
Interesting comment tt i saw on a blog:
"Wealth Journey said...
Most degree holders will be able to earn a million dollars within their lifetime with many earning more. Anyway, the new benchmark for being considered rich is >USD$10mil. $1mil just don't cut it anymore (in Singapore at least).
The more relevant question would be what is your networth and how much income can you generate from your networth to sustain your living. No point having $1mil and putting it into a sgd deposit and you keep drawing down from it."
If anyone were to sing this song, i'm really glad tt he would b the one singing it today! i'm definitely happier without him! =D don't cha juz lurve the look on ur ex's face when he could hardly recognize u n thot tt u r the next hot babe ya? ;p without a doubt, i'm happier n prettier n more dolly today (gotta thx kevin lao shi for all the useful makeup tips) =) but wont give a damn if mr.ex's kicking himself 4 letting a leechie go...he was juz a mistake...juz plain history...n we r ppl from v.different worlds...on v.different frequencies n he doesnt deserve a leechie!!! not gonna waste any more time on ppl who dont deserve it -.-" there's so much more stuff to look forward to in life! c'mon, bring it on manz!!! =)