Came across this interesting article posted by a fb fren =)
You’ve heard that nice guys finish last, but what about nice girls? In this excerpt from her book Why Men Marry Bitches, author Sherry Argov reveals why men actually prefer a confident, secure woman (Argov’s definition of the word bitch) to one who lets her man take the reins in a relationship. She surveyed real men, who spilled exactly what makes or breaks their opinion of the women they meet — and it turns out that having your own life, making your own plans and not letting him win all the time only makes you more attractive. So who says being a “bitch” is a bad thing? Not these guys! Here’s what they had to say:
1. “The worst thing a woman can do is see a guy every night of the week. That’s how she becomes his good-time girl on his ‘reserve list.’ What will happen is, the guy will start coming over at nine o’clock and then he’ll leave by ten-thirty. If he gets access or what he wants from her anytime he wants it, he won’t have to lift a finger to keep it going.”
2. “Men are competitive. When he buys a car that is a limited-edition model, he feels like he has something special. Guys in the street who race cars usually race for pink slips, because they want to win, conquer and take the other vehicle. That carries over to women. A woman who is easy won’t scratch his competitive itch. When she stops expressing her opinion and starts agreeing with everything he says, that’s usually when a man starts to feel bored.”
3. “A woman should never go looking for him or chase him down at three different places where he said he might be having a drink. If he says, ‘Either I’ll be at the Cheesecake Factory or some bar on 26th,’ don’t try to track him down. If you want to be his ’steady,’ let him come track you down.”
4. “My fiancée was the first woman to put me in my place. She constantly reminds me, ‘Hey, nobody’s forcing you to stay.’ If I tried to BS my way out of a situation, she’d say, ‘Let me save you the time and energy. Don’t give me that s**t, because I ain’t buying it.’ I know if she caught me cheating she’d smack me over the head with a frying pan. And I respect her more than any woman I’ve ever known.”
5. “If he can sum you up in one sentence, he’ll be bored.”
6. “Confidence is when you don’t try to interpret or overly process everything that you are observing out loud. It prevents the relationship from progressing on a normal course. For example, every time I gave this woman flowers, she would remind me that her ex stopped bringing her flowers. What she really wanted to ask was whether I’d keep doing it in the future. That made me feel like she didn’t really enjoy the flowers or appreciate the present moment with me.”
7. “A woman shouldn’t say, ‘You don’t call me enough,’ or, ‘You never tell me you love me.’ As a woman, your best asset is to be unpredictable. He should never be able to figure you out. When he can always predict what you are going to do next, you’ve lost him as a long-term partner. He’ll look for someone else whom he can’t understand or control.”
8. “If she feels strongly about something, she’ll have a backbone. This woman is the woman he respects. Not a ‘melba toast’ cracker that crumbles with very little pressure.”
9. “You have to seem like you aren’t giving yourself fully. ‘Here I am. Take me.’ Men want to be kept guessing. Think about it. When a guy picks out a movie, he wants to be on the edge of his seat from the very beginning. If someone doesn’t lose a limb or get shot and buildings aren’t blown up all within the first 20 minutes, he’ll think he got cheated out of 20 bucks.”
10. “A woman shouldn’t even crack a joke about marriage. I was on a second date with a girl, and we are both from Ireland. Back home we have a saying, ‘If you kiss me you are going to have to marry me.’ If you have the desire to get married, never let a man know that up front. If you do, it’s the same as handing him a manual and telling him exactly how to dangle a carrot and play on your weaknesses.”
From WHY MEN MARRY BITCHES by Sherry Argov. Copyright © 2006 by Sherry Argov.
Some interesting quotes:
"You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can't do something themselves, so they want to tell you that you can't do it. You want something? Go get it. Period."
"Life happens from the inside out. If you are happy, its because of what is going on inside of you. If you are sad, it is because of what is going on inside of you. Your world is all happening inside of you."
"You don't get to choose how you're going to die or when. You can only decide how you're going to live." ~ Joan Baez
"We can have more than we've got because we can become more than we are." ~ Jim Rohn
"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hardest part is doing it."
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It
turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into
acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal
into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude
makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision
for tmr"
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new." ~ Albert Einstein
"You have to see opportunity before you can seize it."
Update: German sup was telling me abt the speculations tt were running rife when they saw the car tt leechie dad came in to pick leechie up last nite o.O" but it wasn't even any flashy car...juz a v.old n plain german car -.-" think they imagine too muchie ler -.-" n he's my leechie dad...n not som other guy tt they thot tt i'm seeing...they really think too muchie ler -.-"
Joke of the day: We were allowed to go back earlier today cos of the initiative by the centre for fathering..German sup was telling me abt how the others were having a gd laugh abt this...cos in english, fathering doesnt mean looking after ur babies...but to make babies...lol ;p what a centre for fathering...a centre for ppl to make babies? lol @.@"
Guess what? the v.minute the door bitch heard my name juz nw, she stopped me from entering, claiming tt i wasnt dressed to the theme of "Sex n the city"! it was the 1st time tt i was stopped at a club! -.-" juz bcos i wasnt in a dress so i'm perceived not to b dressed appropriately? tt juz goes to show how shallow som bimbo with fako blonde hair is! -.-" (looks like the fako blonde hair aint the only fako thing on her -.-") apparently she didnt know tt leechie is a member at the club n of course there's this thing known as members' access! -.-" when i got in thru the members' q, i saw tons of ppl there...including som fat slobs wearing som costume-lookalike trying to look glam...so tt's called dressed to the theme eh? -.-"
GSS has not even started officially yet...but there r sooooooooooooo many sales manz @.@" i think leechie muz b mad...spent >$500 on cosmetics today...went to Shiseido's private sale...lotsa good deals there manz!!! many of the shiseido staff there r v.nice...a nice Shiseido lady there even went outta her way to help me get the stuff tt i wanted n do color-matching for me manz! Well done, Shiseido! =) n i aso bot 6 pairs of shoes today manz...wont b surprised if more sales assistants start to recognize a leechie in the streets manz -.-"
Guess what? juz found out tt a leechie actually looks like a former marketing staff from coach when this staff commented abt me to the coach marketing mgr when i was making payment juz nw! @.@" haiz...i shld hav been more chummy with them n said tt i'm the sister or somthg ya...lol ;p then maybe can get special discount or somthg? ;p apparently this lady noticed a leechie n when i was chatting with the mkting mgr n making payment...she came ovr n commented on how i look like one of his former marketing staff! o.O" btw, i managed to buy the coach poppy bag tt many ladies were fighting ovr! cos there's this nice auntie n uncle couple who decided tt there's abit of tiny defect on the strap n gave it up to a leechie...then a few other ladies there were eyeing this v.last piece tt i was holding onto...a lady even sent her pri sch kid son ovr to ask me a few times! o.O"
Guess what? leechie pop by zirca for a short while juz nw n a guy came up to me asking if i'm the fren of xxx...i'm like "i know so many xxx...which xxx r u referring to?" o.O" seems like i have a v.common face ya...first, i was mistaken to b a former marketing staff of coach...n now...seems like i look like someone else again eh? @.@"
Gosh...i'm really glad tt i managed to get a fren to help me place order for 3 Kate Spade bags (juz in time for the sales...without her, i think i would most probably miz out on this sale...thx lots Geraldine =)) i ordered 2 bags for myself n 1 for my leechie mum (she actually wanted a leather one but due to delays here n there, the leather one is sold out so i got her the one with the classic Kate Spade Noel prints instead o.O) i ordered the renwick street anabel bag to match the renwick anabel pouch tt juz arrived today (both in matching navy color ;p) besides these bags, i got the coach poppy "OP ART GLAM" bag in glam glam gold color last thurs...n 1 prada evening satin bag n 1 prada wristlet (both online) n i also bot 2 marc by marc jacobs bags n 1 marc by marc jacobs pouch n 1 coach black wristlet...all within the last 1 or 2 months...n the thing is...i havent used any of them yet...juz took them out once in a while to admire...then put back...lol ;p
German sup announced this morn tt he'll b leaving for france later tonite...so leechie asked if he could pack me into his suitcase...n he was like "my wife wouldn't b happy if she found out tt i had packed another woman into my luggage" so there goes my chance of flying in a suitcase -.-" haiz...n there goes my chance of shopping in Paris >.<
Btw, i gonna clarify tt leechie aint a high-maintenance gal...nono...i juz look the way tt i look manz -.-" u shld take a look at how a certain "POSH" spends $money$ -.-" how posh art thou? ;p
"LONDON - FORMER Spice Girl and wife of soccer star David Beckham, Victoria Beckham, has reportedly spent S$1,116,512 during a shopping spree in Milan, Italy, where her husband is playing soccer for AC Milan, reported entertainment media on Monday.
According to the Daily Star newspaper, among the items she purchased were 20 pairs of Dolce and Gabbana shoes, 12 pairs of Versace sunglasses and a Rolex watch.
Beckham, also known as 'Posh' Spice from her days as a pop star, admitted she always overspends when she is in the Italian fashion capital, reported celebrity website Bang Showbiz.
'I've spent too much. Shopping is like a drug. The more you have the more you want. When I'm in Milan I don't know how to resist it,' Beckham said
'The things in those wonderful boutiques are saying, 'Come and buy me, come and buy me.' Anyway, it helps the economy.' -- AP"
My leechie mum says tt there r lotsa similarities between this cheryl yang's character n leechie -.-" well, perhaps not many guys know how to appreciate smart n pretty ladies with strong opinions? ;p
Amused ;p
Check out the funny subtitles...lol ;p
How to use the f**k word ;p